Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Bombay or Bust?

I’m a heavy smoker with an irrational fear of flying so I wasn’t exactly jumping for joy at the prospect of my long flight to Bombay. But with a full box of Nicorette patches and enough sleeping pills to sedate an army, I managed to endure the journey without too many altercations.

As I stepped off the aircraft and began the marathon pilgrimage towards passport control, baggage reclaim and beyond, I felt a Zen-like calm wash over me – I had come this far without so much as a hint of a hissy fit. I gave myself a great big mental pat on the back. This was personal growth - the perfect start to my Indian Slummer adventure.

Alas, this newfound composure wasn’t to last.

I’ve been to India before, in 1994 during a summer break from Uni. But back then I didn’t have a clue about just how poverty stricken this country was. It had taken me a good 3 weeks to acclimatise – I had never seen or smelt a place quite like it. I remember being utterly overwhelmed as I took in the sights of people brazenly shitting into open sewers and whole families living cheek-by-jowl in makeshift huts by the sides of busy roads. I thought these images would be forever etched in my psyche. But I guess 18 years is a long time.

As my Kamikaze cab driver carved a suicidal swathe through oncoming traffic and hurtled headlong into the cacophonic chaos of downtown Bombay towards my hotel, the memories of ’94 came flooding back. Suddenly, I felt bitch slapped by the reality of my situation. The idyllic India bubble had burst leaving behind a knot of anxiety and panic.

I’ve now checked in at my hotel. It’s basic, but clean. I can’t really complain. I’ve managed to calm myself down. But still, as I lie on this strange bed, coated in cold sweat and smoking like a Russian prostitute, I find myself utterly confounded. What on earth am I doing here? Who am I trying to kid? I’m too old to change. Queen of Serene? Me? My arse! 


  1. Nice blog Kelly! Good luck with the trip. x

  2. Kels, stay calm, stay with it. Just enjoy the experience and lower your expectations! Thinking of you all the time. You are brave and just take the pressure of yourself for it to be the whole answer. Sending you so much love, Karen xxx
